28 789
14-05-2016, 22:20
Minecraft Comes Alive Mod [1.9] [1.8.9] [1.7.10]
Category: Minecraft Mods

Maybe you feel you alone in this little part of Minecraft you play solo ? No multiplayer game to join ? Or simply, like me, no friends ?What would you say to transform these villagers boring into a real community ? Each member of this community would have its skin, and each with a character of its own. You could interact, become friends, or even find love ! And who knows, even perhaps to one day become the King and start a royal family (and use other Npcs as slaves).
In fact, thanks to this mod the Npcs in the villages will present a interest of more. They will have now a skin, a character trait, an occupation and a name. So many different combinations exist !
How to install Minecraft Comes Alive Mod:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download the mod.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into %appdata%/.minecraft/mods
Download Minecraft Comes Alive Mod:
For 1.9
mca_1.9_5.1.2.zip [2,57 Mb]
For 1.8.9
mca_1.8.9_5.1.1.2_universal.zip [2,58 Mb]
For 1.7.10
mca_1.7.10_5.1.1.2_universal.zip [2,55 Mb]