72 072
24-05-2016, 00:03
GLSL Shaders Mod [1.9.4] [1.9] [1.8.9]
Category: Minecraft Mods

GLSL Shaders Mod for Minecraft is a basic Mod which is needed to install so-called shaderpacks and use. Alone of the GLSL Shaders Mod has no other function, only after the first Start he creates the "shaderpacks" folder in the ".. minecraft“ folder. These are then unzipped the Shader packs, and can be used. He also integrated a Shader selection menu, which you can access in the normal menu under "Options" and "Shaders". The Installation of the GLSL Shaders Mod is like any Forge Mod.How to install GLSL Shaders Mod:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge and OptiFine HD
- Download the mod.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into %appdata%/.minecraft/mods
Download GLSL Shaders Mod:
For 1.8.9 - 1.9.4
Has merged ShadersMod's feature into OptiFine. Available at OptiFine thread.
For 1.8
shadersmod_v2.4.12mc1.8.jar [369,29 Kb]
For 1.7.10
shadersmodcore_v2.3.31_mc1.7.10_f.jar [211,23 Kb]
For 1.6.4
glsl_shaders_mod_1.6.4.jar [183,65 Kb]
Author: archer