157 727
15-05-2016, 01:02
MrCrayfish’s Furniture [1.8.9] [1.8] [1.7.10]
Category: Minecraft Mods

Sometimes, when playing Minecraft, there is a lack of furniture or decorative objects, such as tables or chairs. Well, be aware that after long and tedious research in the inhospitable jungle that we call the internet, I finally found a mod that adds all the objects of decoration which you were missing in Minecraft. This mod has the name of "MrCrayfish''s furniture mod" and adds a very large amount of objects (mainly furniture) to allow you to create a home that is more than a realistic in your preferred game.Screenshots:

How to install MrCrayfish’s Furniture:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download the mod.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into %appdata%/.minecraft/mods
Download MrCrayfish’s Furniture:
For 1.8.9
mrcrayfishfurntiuremodv3. [8,46 Mb]
For 1.8
mrcrayfishfurnituremodv3.61.8.jar [8,46 Mb]
For 1.7.10
mrcrayfishfurnituremodv3. [1,65 Mb]
Author: archer