75 918
28-05-2016, 05:47
VoxelMap Mod [1.9.4] [1.9] [1.8.9] [1.7.10]
Category: Minecraft Mods

After Rei's MiniMap is not developed any more, especially VoxelMap helps you to Orientate in Minecraft now. In addition to the small mini-map with the Mod, also a map of the world, you can move the mouse freely and you also waypoints can be entered.Screenshots:

How to install VoxelMap Mod:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download the mod.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into %appdata%/.minecraft/mods
Download VoxelMap Mod:
For 1.9.4
voxelmap_mod_1.9.4.rar [472,29 Kb]
For 1.9
mod_voxelmap_1.9.rar [459,02 Kb]
For 1.8.9
mod_voxelmap_1.8.9.rar [453,53 Kb]
For 1.8.8
mod_voxelmap_1.8.8.rar [453,52 Kb]
For 1.7.10
mod_voxelmap_1.7.10.rar [445,25 Kb]